Diolaze XL Laser Hair Removal

Diolaze XL laser hair removal is a cutting-edge solution for those seeking long-lasting, painless hair removal. Utilizing advanced diode laser technology, Diolaze XL provides effective hair reduction for various skin types and areas of the body, ensuring smooth and hair-free skin.

What is Diolaze XL Laser Hair Removal?

Diolaze XL is an advanced laser hair removal system that uses a high-powered diode laser. The laser targets the melanin in hair follicles, heating and destroying the follicles to prevent future hair growth. This precise technology allows for effective hair removal with minimal discomfort and downtime.

Diolaze XL offers numerous benefits, including:

Long-lasting results

By effectively targeting hair follicles, Diolaze XL significantly reduces hair growth, providing smooth skin for longer periods


The Diolaze XL system incorporates a built-in cooling feature to minimize discomfort during the treatment, making it a more comfortable option compared to traditional hair removal methods


Diolaze XL is suitable for all skin types and can be used to treat various areas of the body, including the face, arms, legs, bikini line, and underarms

Indications and Contraindications

Diolaze XL laser hair removal is ideal for:

* Individuals looking to remove unwanted hair from specific areas of the body or face.
* People who experience irritation from other hair removal methods such as shaving, waxing, or plucking.

However, certain individuals may need to avoid the procedure, such as:

* Pregnant or breastfeeding women.
* Individuals with active skin infections or certain skin conditions in the target area..
* Patients taking medications that increase photosensitivity.

The Diolaze XL treatment process typically includes the following steps

  • 1 Consultation:

    A comprehensive consultation with a certified dermatologist or trained technician to assess your skin type, hair type, and medical history to determine if you are a suitable candidate for the treatment

  • 2 Preparation:

    The treatment area is cleaned, and any surface hair is shaved to ensure the laser can effectively target hair below the skin's surface. A cooling gel may be applied to the skin for additional comfort

  • 3 Laser Treatment:

    The Diolaze XL device is used to deliver controlled pulses of laser energy to the targeted area. The cooling system helps to alleviate any discomfort

  • 4 Post-procedure care:

    Post-treatment recommendations usually include avoiding direct sun exposure, applying sunscreen, and using soothing creams to minimize redness and swelling.

Results and Expectations

Initial results can often be observed after the first session, but multiple treatments are usually required to achieve optimal results. The typical course of treatment involves 4-6 sessions, spaced approximately 4-6 weeks apart, to target hair during different growth cycles. The effects of Diolaze XL are long-lasting, with many patients experiencing a significant reduction in hair growth for months to years


To date, laser hair removal is one of the most effective methods of removing unwanted body hair.

The DIOLAZE XL attachment of the InMode device is one of the most modern devices for laser hair removal, combining diode, alexandrite and neodymium lasers, which affect only melanin, the coloring pigment of hair follicles, and do not affect the surrounding tissue.

The conceptuality of the technique lies in the intense impact on the bulb not one, as with analog lasers, but two wavelengths of lasers 755/810 Nm. The laser radiation instantly hits the hair follicles, destroying the hair roots and preventing them from growing back. DIOLAZE XL has a wide area of exposure, which significantly increases the speed of the procedure and makes it possible to remove a large number of hairs in one pass.

Diolaze XL is one of the most advanced and effective systems for laser hair removal. This hybrid methodology Diolaze XL has demonstrated great efficiency in comparison with other systems for hardware hair removal and allows you to get a pronounced result after only 3 treatments.

There is no recovery period because the risk of burns and injuries during the procedure is eliminated

The first visible effect comes 2-3 weeks after the 1st treatment.

After 3 treatments, patients notice the removal of about 67% of hairs

The final result is evaluated after a course of treatments. Standard course of 5-6 treatments

Diolaze epilation requires a preparatory phase that includes:

2-3 weeks to refuse any kind of depilation in the treated area.
10-12 days before and after the procedure, it is recommended to avoid sunbathing.
A day before the procedure to shave off the hairs in the treated area, necessarily leaving “foam” 0,5-1 mm.
After the procedure is categorically not allowed:

use hot procedures (sauna, bath);
sunbathe (at least 1-15 days);
do sports (2-3 days);
pull hairs.

Time of the procedure: from 10 to 60 minutes.

Now you don’t have to choose. The first Diolaze XL hybrid laser combines the simultaneous use of several lasers. For example, diode and alexandrite (the gold standard of hair removal).

For a safe and comfortable hair removal procedure, Dialaze uses triple cooling, which is not used in any other existing device. The cooling occurs before, during and after the pulse, making the procedure virtually painless.

Laser hair removal with the Diolaze attachment is suitable for hair removal on the face, armpits, upper lip, arms, legs, bikini area, back, inner thighs, shins.

No, it does not compromise the integrity of the skin. Patients feel comfortable during the session, feeling light heat pulses.

For a permanent visible result we recommend 1 course of 5-6 sessions. It is recommended to repeat the procedure not earlier than after 4 weeks.

pregnancy and lactation,
taking photosensitizing drugs,
numerous moles or skin lesions in the treatment area.
large moles;
varicose veins;
fungus in the area of epilation;
diabetes mellitus;
colds and infectious diseases;
fresh tan;
skin damage in the epilation area


Qualified Specialist

Lika Patsatsia

Diolaze XL laser hair removal offers an effective, comfortable, and long-lasting solution for unwanted hair. Opting for this procedure allows you to enjoy smooth, hair-free skin without the hassle of frequent shaving or waxing. To ensure the best results, it is crucial to choose a qualified specialist and follow the recommended post-treatment care.