RF Lifting Forma

Non-invasive RF lifting, also known as radiofrequency (RF) skin tightening, is an advanced cosmetic procedure designed to rejuvenate and tighten the skin without the need for surgery. This treatment uses RF energy to stimulate collagen production and improve the skin’s elasticity, resulting in a firmer, more youthful appearance

What is Non-invasive RF Lifting?

Non-invasive RF lifting involves the use of radiofrequency energy to heat the deeper layers of the skin. This controlled heating process promotes collagen and elastin production, which are essential for maintaining the skin’s firmness and elasticity. Unlike invasive procedures, RF lifting does not require incisions or downtime, making it a convenient and effective option for skin rejuvenation.

The procedure offers multiple benefits, including:

Skin tightening

RF energy effectively tightens loose or sagging skin, providing a firmer appearance without surgery.

Enhanced collagen production:

Stimulates the natural production of collagen, improving skin texture and elasticity.

Smoothing of wrinkles and fine lines:

Reduces the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, giving the skin a smoother, more youthful look.


Suitable for various skin types and can be used on different areas of the body, including the face, neck, and décolletage.

Indications and Contraindications

Non-invasive RF lifting is ideal for

*Individuals looking to tighten loose or sagging skin.
*Those wanting to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.
*People seeking to improve skin texture and elasticity without undergoing surgery

However, certain individuals should avoid this procedure, including:

*Pregnant or breastfeeding women.
* Individuals with active skin infections, severe acne, or eczema in the treatment area.
* Patients with pacemakers or metal implants in the treatment area.

The non-invasive RF lifting process typically involves the following steps:

  • 1 Consultation:

    A thorough consultation with a trained specialist to assess your skin and determine if you are a suitable candidate

  • 2 Preparation:

    The treatment area is cleansed, and a conductive gel may be applied to enhance the delivery of RF energy

  • Treatment:

    The RF device is moved over the skin in the target area, delivering controlled radiofrequency energy to heat the deeper layers without damaging the surface

  • 4 Post-procedure care:

    Recommendations may include applying soothing creams, staying hydrated, and protecting the treated area from sun exposure

Results and Expectations

Initial results can often be observed shortly after the first session, but the skin's texture and firmness will continue to improve over the following weeks as collagen production increases. For optimal results, it is usually recommended to undergo a series of treatments (typically 3-6 sessions) spaced a few weeks apart. The effects of non-invasive RF lifting can last for several months, with some patients experiencing benefits for up to a year or more.


The main advantage of rf-lifting is that rejuvenation occurs under the influence of radiofrequency current, which changes the structure of the skin and subcutaneous fatty tissue. Increases the density of the skin, they become firm and elastic.


1. The tightening effect is noticeable after the first session
2. The procedure is comfortable and painless
3. There is no rehabilitation period, so you can return to normal activities immediately after visiting the Center
4. The integrity of the skin is not compromised and there is no risk of infectious complications
5. Careful control of the operation of the INMODE device ensures a high level of safety
6. Thermolifting is suitable for women and men with any skin type and at any time of the year, even in summer
7. Does not require the use of anesthetics.
8. The final effect is assessed after completion of the course.
9. RF lifting can be used for tanned skin.
10. Combined with other procedures (biorevitalization, botulinum therapy, phototherapy, etc.).
11. The technique can be recommended for the purpose of recovery after plastic surgery

RF-lifting does not require special preparation. The procedure is not tied to the season, so it can be carried out at any time of the year. Immediately after manipulation can return to the usual way of life. Redness goes away in a few hours.

The visible effect comes in 3-4 weeks after the first treatment. Each subsequent treatment strengthens the effect of the previous one.

Maximizes in 3-4 months after the course.

Do not forget that after the procedure is an active synthesis of proteins of youth – collagen and elastin. Therefore, it is recommended to include in your diet a healthy protein food and minimize the use of simple carbohydrates (sugars).

RF-lifting does not require special preparation. The procedure is not tied to the season, so it can be carried out at any time of the year. Immediately after manipulation can return to the usual way of life.

Can be performed from the age of 18, to combat age-related skin imperfections: dullness, post-acne, uneven topography, Venus rings on the neck, swelling, etc.

To achieve a photoshopped “glossy skin” effect, we recommend combining with Lumecca photo rejuvenation.

Procedure time: from 30 to 60 minutes depending on the number of zones.

A repeat treatment can be scheduled after 2-4 weeks. Course – 4-12 treatments depending on age and transformation protocol.

No fibrosis or overheating is formed, which is seen in the practical use of older devices or analogs

The nozzle is sterile treated before each treatment.

Forma shows high tissue lifting results in the neck and face area.

For permanent visible results, we recommend 1 course per year. This is 4-12 sessions depending on age and transformation protocol. It is recommended to repeat the procedure not earlier than after 2 weeks. On average, 1 treatment every 2-4 weeks.

skin diseases in the stage of exacerbation;
violation of skin integrity in the area of exposure;
pregnancy and breastfeeding;
oncologic diseases;
acute viral infections;
thyroid gland diseases*.
*Thyroid disorders in decompensation stage, i.e. not receiving adequate treatment; acute inflammatory process in the thyroid gland; malignant thyroid tumors**.
** the face area (in the absence of the above contraindications in relation to thyroid diseases) can be performed this procedure, but the neck and upper shoulder girdle area is recommended to be excluded from exposure, if there are any thyroid diseases, including nodules


Qualified Specialist

Lika Patsatsia

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